Conception certificates are not issued in the United States. There is no legal basis to identify a fetus as a viable human being until such time as that fetus has survived extrication from the womb and begun to respire on it's own--a condition technically referred to as 'birth'.
Prior to 'birth' a number of calamities may befall the fetus--and/or mother--that ultimately prevent 'birth' from taking place. Even with the vast advances made in perinatal care in the last half century or so, there are a great many tragic outcomes each year to sucessful ova fertilization and uterine implantation--the condition commonly referred to as 'conception'.
Although the Infant Mortality Rate in the US is among the lowest in the world--and our perinatal care providers are the world's best--there are still many, many cases of women whose pregnancies are terminated prematurely as a result of trauma or natural biological processes.
Birth Certificate. One is required in order to have a Death Certificate. Aborted fetuses are not issued death certificates. Any parturition prior to full term that results in a non-viable issue does not receive the designation of a living, breathing person.
Although emotions run high whenever a pregnant woman is injured or killed, there must be a line, a definition, a starting point for life that is codified by law. This ensures fairness in the face of emotion and will prevent the "moving the goalposts" phenomenon that seems to plague attempts at rational legislation in this area.
An arena in which to contemplate life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in the south Puget Sound.
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Monday, October 11, 2004
'We have to get back to the place we were, where terrorists are not the focus of our lives, but they're a nuisance,'' Kerry said. ''As a former law-enforcement person, I know we're never going to end prostitution. We're never going to end illegal gambling. But we're going to reduce it, organized crime, to a level where it isn't on the rise. It isn't threatening people's lives every day, and fundamentally, it's something that you continue to fight, but it's not threatening the fabric of your life.''
I believe that we have to get back to the place we were, where Liberals are not the focus of our lives, but they're a nuisance. As a former soldier, as an expert in anti- and counter-terrorism, I know we're never going to end career politics. We're never going to end illegal United Nations actions. But we're going to reduce it, organized Liberalism, to a level where it isn't on the rise. It isn't threatening people's lives every day, and fundamentally, it's something that you continue to fight, but it's not threatening the fabric of your life.
Saturday, October 02, 2004
New Iranian Revolution
First Iraq, now Iran.
If we can facilitate the fall of the theocratic regime in Iran we can wipe
out national funding and intel support of Hezbollah, eliminate another
terrorist safe haven, and largely eliminate the Islamic fundamentalists'
powerbase in the Middle East.
Can anybody tell me why the MSM (Main Stream Media) isn't reporting this?
From (Go visit and follow the links)
If we can facilitate the fall of the theocratic regime in Iran we can wipe
out national funding and intel support of Hezbollah, eliminate another
terrorist safe haven, and largely eliminate the Islamic fundamentalists'
powerbase in the Middle East.
Can anybody tell me why the MSM (Main Stream Media) isn't reporting this?
From (Go visit and follow the links)
JONAH GOLDBERG says we need to be paying more attention to Iran. He's right.
Tehran, the nation's capital, as well as several other cities have been
wracked in recent days with widespread anti-government protests and violent crackdowns by government forces. Buildings have been set ablaze, and exiles are calling for revolution. According to reports on, a Web
site dedicated to freeing Iran from the oppressive rule of the mullahs, numerous protestors have been killed. Ledeen - who has many sources inside Iran and out - reports that the roundups and executions of young men have
picked up at a terrific pace. Iran has staged 120 public hangings since March alone, according to the government's own news agency.
The unpopularity of the mullahs, primarily with the younger, Western-oriented generation, is causing panic inside the regime. The appeal of revolutionary theocracy has been bled dry. The Christian Science Monitor reported - some would say "reluctantly reported" - that discontent with the regime and a desire for "change" according to various "polls" equals 90 percent. And we all remember those famous soccer games where Iranian fans
chanted "USA! USA!"
Even if this weren't such a powerful human interest story, it would still be appalling how completely the mainstream media have downplayed what could be one of the most important news stories of our lives. If Iran were to throw off the shackles of the mullahocracy in favor of anything like a sane, decent and democratic regime, it would be the most significant advance for freedom and decency since the fall of the Berlin Wall. It would be a national security victory of staggering proportions.
I wonder why it's not getting more attention? posted at 04:41 PM by Glenn Reynolds
MLB in Wash DC
There have been a number of articles, posts, and proclamations that suggest names for the 'new' MLB team coming to the District. Since the team is presently the Montreal Expos--of international origin--why not call the team the United Nations of Washington? Will there be a need for bilingual street signs in D.C. to accomodate the players coming from Quebec? Will the seventh inning stretch feature a performance by Cirque de Soleil? Can we expect the team to enjoy support from the French Ambassador?
Stay tuned.
Stay tuned.
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